Monday, March 23, 2020

How to Make a Great LinkedIn Profile - 6 LinkedIn Profile Tips

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I will teach you how to make a great LinkedIn profile using 7 LinkedIn profile tips so you can get noticed by recruiters and hiring managers and become a job magnet. If you've been wondering how to make a professional LinkedIn profile, this video is for you.

As a Career Strategist, I've seen thousands of great LinkedIn profiles and I know the stark differences between a bad and good LinkedIn profile. The tips for LinkedIn that I have to share will really help you to stand apart and be easily found by recruiters and hiring managers for new opportunities. Creating a LinkedIn profile and writing a LinkedIn profile summary is really not a difficult task at all.

You may not realize this but your aside from your resume, your LinkedIn profile is what recruiters and hiring managers look at as a supplement to your application. So if your LinkedIn isn’t on point, you may not even make it to the first round of interviews. So it’s extremely important to pay attention to how your LinkedIn is presented and how it represents YOU.

The six LinkedIn profile tips I have to make sure you have a professional LinkedIn profile are as follows:

Tip #1 - Have a Photo that Sends Good Vibes
Tip #2 - Use an Appropriate Headline
Tip #3 - Have a “What I Can Do for You” Oriented Profile Summary
Tip #4 - Make Your Work experience Short & Sweet
Tip #5 - Show off Your Recommendations
Tip #6 - Contact Details



⬇️ Download my FREE Resume Samples PDF document here:

⬇️ Download a copy of my 10 Ultimate Resume Hacks to Land more Interviews and Job Offers PDF here:

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Interested in getting personally coached by Linda to enhance your personal brand, advance your career and/or land your dream job?
➡️ Click here: and fill out the application form.

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Also, to learn more about creating a great LinkedIn profile watch other videos here:

How to Create a Killer LinkedIn Profile by The Effective Marketing Company

8 Examples of Good Linkedin Profile Summaries by Anton Voley

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