Friday, March 27, 2020

Salary Negotiation: 6 Tips on How to Negotiate a Higher Salary

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In this video, I will teach you 6 salary negotiation tactics on how to negotiate a higher salary for yourself, whether you’ve just received a new job offer or you’re wanting to ask for a raise in your current job.

You will learn the salary negotiation techniques that I know work on how to negotiate a salary that is in line with your expectations.

There are many salary negotiation strategies, but it takes the right salary negotiation skills to get that bump in pay that matches what the market offers and what you’re worth.

The 6 Major Tips on How to Negotiate a Higher Salary include:

Tip # 1: Talk about your value - bring up evidence that prove why you’re worth what you’re worth.
Tip #2: Do market research - know what the market is paying for someone with your credentials and level of experience.
Tip #3. Give a number, not a range - many people are afraid to offend the employers and give a range for what salary they’d be open to. This is not the way to go.
Tip #4. Go in with leverage - you want to leverage everything you can to enhance your chances of getting that bump in pay.
Tip #5. Time it appropriately - if you’re in a job offer situation vs. asking for a raise, you need to know the right timing on when to bring up your salary expectations
Tip #6. Be humble and polite, yet confident.

Watch the video so you can learn the salary negotiation skills that I know work to getting you a higher salary.



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If you want to learn more about how to make your resume stand out, watch my Resume Hacks - How to Make a Resume Stand Out video here:

Or if you want to learn how to answer the “Tell Me About Yourself” interview question, watch my “Tell Me About Yourself - A Good Answer to this Question” video here:

Also, to learn more about salary negotiation and how to negotiate a higher salary feel free to watch:

by Recruiter
by Ramit Sethi
by Ramit Sethi

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